RecapitulacióN De GramáTica Leccion 4

Recapitulación de gramática leccion 4 – La Recapitulación de Gramática Lección 4 es un viaje inmersivo al corazón de la gramática, guiando a los estudiantes a través de conceptos esenciales, vocabulario y aplicaciones prácticas. Al desentrañar los misterios de la gramática, esta lección empodera a los estudiantes para dominar el lenguaje escrito y hablado con confianza y precisión.

A medida que profundizamos en la lección, exploraremos conceptos gramaticales fundamentales, ampliaremos nuestro vocabulario y participaremos en ejercicios interactivos que reforzarán nuestro dominio de la gramática. Al finalizar, estaremos equipados con las herramientas necesarias para aplicar eficazmente los principios gramaticales en nuestras propias composiciones escritas.

Grammar Concepts: Recapitulación De Gramática Leccion 4

Recapitulación de gramática leccion 4

Lesson 4 introduces fundamental grammar concepts that enhance sentence structure and communication clarity. These concepts include:

Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Verbs must agree with their subjects in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third).
  • Example: “The boy runs to the store.” (singular subject, singular verb)
  • Exception: Collective nouns (e.g., team, group) can take either singular or plural verbs depending on the context.

Verb Tenses

  • Lesson 4 covers the present perfect tense, which describes actions or events that started in the past and continue into the present.
  • Example: “I have lived here for five years.” (present perfect tense)
  • Special case: The present perfect tense can also be used to express recent past actions.

Modal Verbs

  • Modal verbs (e.g., can, could, must) express possibility, necessity, or advice.
  • Example: “You should study for the test.” (modal verb expressing advice)
  • Exception: Modal verbs are not conjugated for person or number.

Vocabulary and Usage

Recapitulación de gramática leccion 4

Lesson 4 expands vocabulary related to daily routines and activities:


  • wake up: to cease sleeping
  • get dressed: to put on clothes
  • eat breakfast: to consume the first meal of the day


  • alarm clock: a device that sounds an alarm at a set time
  • coffee: a brewed beverage made from roasted coffee beans
  • newspaper: a publication containing news and information


  • in the morning: during the hours after sunrise
  • after school: following the end of the school day
  • on weekends: during the days of the week when people typically have free time

Practice Exercises

Recapitulación de gramática leccion 4

Sentence Completion

  • The students _____ to school every day. ( walk)
  • I _____ my homework before dinner. ( do)
  • You _____ study for the exam. ( should)

Verb Tense Identification

  • Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: “I have been studying for hours.” ( present perfect)
  • Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: “The children were playing in the park.” ( past continuous)
  • Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: “I will go to the store later.” ( future)

Vocabulary Matching

  • Match the following words with their meanings:
    1. alarm clock
    2. coffee
    3. newspaper
    1. a device that sounds an alarm at a set time
    2. a brewed beverage made from roasted coffee beans
    3. a publication containing news and information

Writing Applications

The grammar concepts and vocabulary introduced in Lesson 4 enhance writing clarity and accuracy. Here are some applications:

Paragraph Writing, Recapitulación de gramática leccion 4

Correct subject-verb agreement, verb tense usage, and modal verb selection ensure coherent and grammatically sound paragraphs. For example:

Every morning, I wake upat 7 am. I get dressedand eat breakfastbefore I leavefor work. On weekends, I sleepin and relax.

Avoiding Common Errors

  • Subject-verb disagreement (e.g., “The team is going to win.”)
  • Incorrect verb tense usage (e.g., “I ate breakfast yesterday.”)
  • Misuse of modal verbs (e.g., “I can’t go to the party.”)

FAQ Insights

¿Cuáles son los conceptos gramaticales clave cubiertos en la Lección 4?

La Lección 4 cubre conceptos gramaticales esenciales como estructura de oraciones, tiempos verbales y concordancia.

¿Qué tipo de ejercicios de práctica se incluyen en la Lección 4?

La Lección 4 presenta ejercicios interactivos que se centran en diferentes aspectos de la gramática, como completar oraciones, identificar errores gramaticales y redactar oraciones propias.